Cheap Greywater Fastness Classic Dwarf Army

Hi everyone,

After define my own vision to play with Ironjawz, I've been thinking about a cheap classic dwarves army. My premises:

  • It must be an army built with classic miniatures (Warhammer Fantasy look).
  • It must be very cheap.

With these premises in mind and with the aim of maximize them, I've decided to build an army with 3 packs of dwarves from an old Warhammer Fantasy box called "Battle for the Skull Pass".
With this box, you have the following dwarf miniatures:

  • 1 Dwarf Lord
  • 12 Dwarf Warriors
  • 8 Dwarf Miners
  • 10 Dwarf Thunderers, with missile weapons
  • 1 Dwarf Cannon

So, with 3 of these packs, you'll get around 3 lords, 60 dwarves and 3 cannons.
Ok, what can you build with all of this minions? Here, my own list (including details about the strategy):

Greywater Fastness army from Free Cities Battletome, with the following rules:

Ghyran Realm.
You can add +1 machine in your matched army.
Machines in the army has +3" in its missile weapons range.
Command Ability: In your shooting phase, Irondrakes unit wholly within 12", +1 to Hit (once per phase).

Warden King (110 points) WARLORD
Command Trait - Drillmaster: Re-roll missile weapons hits of 1 while they are wholly within 12" of this model and more than 3" of any enemy.
Command Ability: Select an enemy unit within 16". You have +1 to Wound to this unit with Disspossesed units.
You can use the Bravery of this model within 18" (you can't move).

Runelord (90 points)
He is able to unbind once with +2.
Pray: 2+ in your Hero phase. Increase the weapon's Rend in +1 or 6+ Special Save or to a Disspossesed unit within 16".
Greywater prayer: 2+ in your Hero phase. +1 to Hit to a machine within 3".

Runelord (90 points)
He is able to unbind once with +2.
Pray: 2+ in your Hero phase. Increase the weapon's Rend in +1 or 6+ Special Save or to a Disspossesed unit within 16".
Greywater prayer: 2+ in your Hero phase. +1 to Hit to a machine within 3".

Battlemage (90 points)
Ghyran spell: 5+. Select an friendly unit within 18". If an enemy finishes a charge move within 3", D3 MW.
Descending Ash Cloud - 6+. -1 to Hit to an enemy unit within 18".

30 Longbeards (270 points)
30 Hammerers (360 points) - Your combat unit. Don't take battleshock tests with heroes within 16".
30 Irondrakes (450 points) - +1 to Hit with the greywater command ability and re-roll hit of 1 with the trait (2+ repeatable / 3+ with -2 or -3 with the Runelord).

Greywater Artillery Company (120 points) You can shoot twice in the first battle round if you are within 6" of the cogsmith and more than 3" of any enemy.
Cogsmith (60 points) - Re-roll hit of 1 with the trait
Hellblaster Volley Gun (120 points) - Re-roll hit of 1 with the trait
Hellblaster Volley Gun (120 points) - Re-roll hit of 1 with the trait
Hellblaster Volley Gun (120 points) - Re-roll hit of 1 with the trait

2000 points (choose two greywater or Ghyran artifact)

As you can see, your Thunderers become in Irondrakes, your Warriors in Longbeards and your Miners in Hammerers (with some modification, bear in mind that you have only 24...).
Apart from that, your Cannons become in Hellblaster. Lastly, you have to get a Gogsmith miniature and a Battlemage.

I bought three of these pack for 30 euros each one, 90 euros in total, more the battlemage and cogsmith. Very cheap.



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