
Warcry: First Impressions

Hi everyone, This time, I wanna talk about my first impressions of the most recent Age of Sigmar universe game, Warcry. Although I can't understand why GW didn't include classic Chaos factions in this game, we can play with other non-chaos warbands. Bearing in mind I have a lot of AoS armies, I get my hands on enough resources to build different warbands to try it. So, my wife and me decided to build a nighthaunt warband (from Warhammer underworlds miniatures) and a daughters of khaine warband. We only played with the Core Book, without scenery nor beasts rules. The lists (1000 points battle): Daughters of Khaine -------------------------------------------------------- Khinerai Heartrender Khinerai Heartrender Sister of Slaughter w/ Bladed Buckler Sister of Slaughter w/ Bladed Buckler Sister of Slaughter w/ Bladed Buckler Sister of Slaughter w/ Sacrifical Knife Sister of Slaughter w/ Sacrifical Knife Khinerai Heartrender Shryke (Leader) Nighthaunt ...

Dark Elves in Age of Sigmar

How can we build an army list with our old dark elves miniatures from Warhammer Fantasy? That's the question. Cities of Sigmar battletome bring us the opportunity to build armies like we did in Warhammer Fantasy, and it's fantastic! With this aim in mind, I've tried to build a pure Malekith's followers. First of all, you must consider the general rules of the tome: Amplified Sorceries: If you cast an ENDLESS SPELL, it's always the empowered version, regardless of what realm you're playing in. Warriors of the Realms: If you're using Malign Sorcery rules, your army must be from the realm your city hails from. Honoured Retinue: If your GENERAL has a wound characteristic of 6 or less, you can pick a retinue (any unit of 5-20 models). If your general is within 3" of the retinue, each time your general takes a wound, on a 4+ the retinue takes it instead. The General's Adjutant: If your GENERAL has a wound characteristic of 6 or less, you can pic...

Cheap Greywater Fastness Classic Dwarf Army

Hi everyone, After define my own vision to play with Ironjawz, I've been thinking about a cheap classic dwarves army. My premises: It must be an army built with classic miniatures (Warhammer Fantasy look). It must be very cheap. With these premises in mind and with the aim of maximize them, I've decided to build an army with 3 packs of dwarves from an old Warhammer Fantasy box called "Battle for the Skull Pass". With this box, you have the following dwarf miniatures: 1 Dwarf Lord 12 Dwarf Warriors 8 Dwarf Miners 10 Dwarf Thunderers, with missile weapons 1 Dwarf Cannon So, with 3 of these packs, you'll get around 3 lords, 60 dwarves and 3 cannons. Ok, what can you build with all of this minions? Here, my own list (including details about the strategy): Greywater Fastness army from Free Cities Battletome, with the following rules: Ghyran Realm. You can add +1 machine in your matched army. Machines in the army has +3" in...

My personal Orruk Warclans Ironjawz analysis

Hi everyone, after the release of the new book of Orruks (and Bonesplitters...), I've been looking into different ways to play with them. And after a intensive reading, I decided to play them in a Orruk way, with Bloodtoof Ironjawz clan. I know other people've been saying that it's the worst way to play with these guys, but I think it's the most Orruk way to play. And bearing in mind that AoS is a well-balanced game (...) you can play with this clan with good chances of success (...). Well, firstly let's consider is the Ironjawz general rules: - Eager for a fight: +1 to charge for IJ units. - Mad as Hell, in any phase if any W or MW are put on an IJ unit from over 9” away the IJ unit gets a d6 move (you can move in any direction). - Smashin’ and Bashin’: In the combat phase after a friendly IJ unit has fought, if attacks resulted in an enemy unit being destroyed pick 1 friendly IJ unit that has not fought in that combat phase that is within 3” of an e...

Age of Sigmar Blightwar FAQs

Hi everyone, you can check the last FAQ document for the new Age of Sigmar Boxed Game, Blightwar .

Age of Sigmar monster battleplans compendium from Warhammer-Community

Hi everyone, a few days ago, Games-Workshop provided us a set of battleplans to play with monsters in Age of Sigmar. They were a set of scenarios to play with single monsters against little armies.

Updating my Ironjawz Army with General's Handbook 2017

Hi everyone, with the new points values of the General's Handbook 2017, I've had review my Ironjawz army list. You can check the old list here . After a first review of the changes, I must say that it's had few changes. The most important change in this army, is the points decrease in the Maw-Krusha (-60 points) and the Gore-Gruntas (-40 points). But, like all army in Age of Sigmar, we have to suffer the massive points increase in the warscrolls battalions. Almost all of them has double their points, and the Ironjawz are not an exception, with my Ironfist warscroll battalion increase in 100 points.